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Property dispute.

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 24 December 2011 This query is : Resolved 
hello ,sir

my name is khan we are a muslim family our grand father and grand mom died leaving behind 3 sons and 4 daughter .is it mandatory that we have to go by muslim law in our constitution .
M.Sheik Mohammed Ali (Expert) 24 December 2011
where are you from ? what is the dispute of you, ? what is your Query ? muslim family solve the problem as per muslim law in such dispute only.
Sailesh Kumar Shah (Expert) 24 December 2011
Of course, yes.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 24 December 2011
thank you sir for such a quick reply

my name is akbar khan iam a travel agency owner i live in port blair andaman and nicobar islands..

our grand father was and grand mother died leving behind 3 sons and 4 daughter behind and there s been a property dispute ever since ,we gave the back part of the property to all 4 sisters they want more .

among the 4 sisters 2 are married and live with their spouse,but have 2 rooms on rent.

another 2 are divorsed and one of them has
owns is husbands possesion in another land after his husbands death .

i want to know that how the distribution of assets would be, among us in muslim personal law.
s walikum
prabhakar singh (Expert) 25 December 2011
Your Query is incomplete.
You are sunni or shiya?

Whose property it was?of you r grand father?
or of your grand mother?

Who died first,Your grand father or your grand mother?

Besides their 3 sons and 4 daughters whether any of the following relative were alive when the owner [your grand father or grand mother] died??:
1.father2.grand father3.husband/4.wife5.mother6.grandmother
7.daughter[known4]brother/sister/full sister/consanguine sister.

If among the listed above only daughters and sons are there and none else and property was of a Sunni grand father then supposing he died as widower his property shall be shared as residuary among his 3 sons and 4 daughters so as that sons shall take double of daughters.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 26 December 2011
we are a sunni family first my grand father(proprty owner )died than grand mom 1 year later leaving 3 sons 4 daughters they are alive how ll the property be distributed
R.Ramachandran (Expert) 26 December 2011
Dear Mr. Akbar Khan,
You also have to indicate whether the 3 sons are having any daughters / grand daughters? In other words, whether your grand father had left any granddaughters or great grand daughters through his sons? If so, the complete details thereof.

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