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property forged documented

(Querist) 20 July 2016 This query is : Resolved 
Sir.a person has sold my dads property.with out registering. He told that my father sold by words .will this document be valied in court
Guest (Expert) 21 July 2016
Repeated query with contents altered to some extent.

In fact your query is quite strange! When not registered, validity of which document you want to know?
P. Venu (Expert) 21 July 2016
What is the stand of your brother?
alagappan narayanan (Querist) 21 July 2016
Sir my brother is on my side.we both are fighting to get my dad property back. Mr p.s.Dhingra has asked .validity of which document. It the first document which says my dad had sold the land to a person by words.and a declaration not registered. Both these documents are valid in the court sir
Guest (Expert) 21 July 2016
Has the document been signed by your dad that makes a mention that the land has been sold by words?
alagappan narayanan (Querist) 21 July 2016
No sir.the documents were not signed by dad.only the declaration documents shows his sign which was not registered
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 22 July 2016
Unregistered sale document is invalid.
Please do not repeat again.
Guest (Expert) 22 July 2016
What declaration, can you repeat here?
alagappan narayanan (Querist) 22 July 2016
Sir the declaration document with my dads sign says that the person is in possion of the land.which is not registered.
alagappan narayanan (Querist) 22 July 2016
Sir the declaration document with my dads sign says that the person is in possion of the land.which is not registered.
rajeev sharma (Expert) 22 July 2016
a non serious querry
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 22 July 2016
Discuss with local lawyer, show him all related documents.
Guest (Expert) 22 July 2016
The language of the decraltion, which you stated, has no relevance.

But, it seems you have not been able to discuss your problem appropriately. So, better consult some local lawyer with your documents to be examined by him for the purpose of advice.

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