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Property issue compensate by generation

(Querist) 02 August 2022 This query is : Resolved 
A person had 5 daughter.The person managed a false warison certificate
that he is only warish and no daughter.The person sold around 20 land ,
later died.Now the person have 2 adult son and 1 adult daughter.
Some deed written "if any disputer occured , it will be compensate by generation"
and rest deed there is no such clause.

1 ) I am going to challange all deed in Calcutta High Court.
If I challange the sale deed (I am daughter's son) , The person's
son and daughter will have to pay compensation to me ?

Property is on west bengal

2)Is it true (In General) any sale deed dispute have to compensate by generation ?

kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 02 August 2022
Mr.Ayan Ji, you put this query in another way 11 days back. Now with some changes you put it now. If you have any doubts consult a local lawyer with relevant material.
Ayan (Querist) 02 August 2022
Dear Sir , In my last query , I have same fact but question was different.I have discussed with lawyer , different lawyer are in different opinion in this matter.Please help , I need expert advice.This is my bread and butter matter
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 03 August 2022
The best lawyers in WB are on this platform. Search by clicking on the last heading(more). Generally, there will be different opinions among the lawyers and members also. So you select one.
P. Venu (Expert) 05 August 2022
The facts posted suggest a riddle than a query. Please post simple facts, if there is any real issue.

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