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Property matter dispute.

(Querist) 30 December 2008 This query is : Resolved 
My mother-in-law had bought a flat at ghaziabad 2 years back ,with her own money, and all cheque payment. But the flat was registered in her son's name. Unfortunately he expired around 6 months back, and his wife is not willing to accept my mother-in law, she has kicked her out, and is now staying with her parents in the home that was bought by my mother-in law. Also my mother-in-law has in her possession a letter, in which her son has mentioned his willingness to transfer the property in her name.

kindly let us know if the above said property can be registered in my mother-in laws name, and whether she can take legal possession of the flat and throw out our Bhabhi.
RAKHI BUDHIRAJA ADVOCATE (Expert) 31 December 2008
As per law the mother is also entitled for the share of her son's property. She can file a case for her portion/share & mention the fact of payment by the mother. For more querries or help u can contact me at:
Off.-253, Aggarwal shopping complex, CD-Block, Pitampura, Delhi-110088
Manish Singh (Expert) 31 December 2008
it was a benami transaction therefore no rigts accrue further. you cant claim it in any way.

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