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property purchase

(Querist) 02 December 2009 This query is : Resolved 
I intend to buy a property. Kindly advice about the legal issues.
The property was acquired by the owner & his brother by way of unregistered family partition deed among 4 brothers after their father's death in 1975. They have 4 married sisters. Their father has purchased the property in1949 from his self earnings. The owner's brother sold his half to a third party in 1990. The owner purchased that half from the third party in 1999. No one contested the partition and the subsequent sale and purchase till date. Will there be any legal issues from any of the relatives, if I purchase this property.
joyce (Expert) 02 December 2009
If there is a oral partition, then also once partiton is always a partition, so whether registered or not. so to be safe on ur part kindly issue a public notice in the local news paper about the purchase of that property, then move with next proceeds. while execution of sale deed contact ur local advcate.
niranjan (Expert) 02 December 2009
When the partition is effected by taking possession of shares and sisters have not opposed so far will help you. I agree with joyceji.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 02 December 2009
repeated quarry.
Khaleel Ahmed Mohammed (Expert) 08 December 2009
Repeated quarry.

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