property question.
(Querist) 18 October 2009
This query is : Resolved
We are a a christian charitable trust based in vasai - near mumbai. An advivasi pratron has expressed his desire to donate approximately 6 acres of land belonging to him for the ministry work. Can u pls explain what are the different regulatoyy formalities needed to make this land on the minstry name .
and what are the differnt aspects that needs to be kept in mind for the usage of the land.
(Expert) 18 October 2009
Under Bombay Land Revenue Code, the permission of the Collector is necessary for transfer of Advasi land.
(Expert) 18 October 2009
Is the land been donated for ministry purpose by way of lease-deed, sale-deed, gift-deed under what method he is willing to donate the land? on that legal formalities can be answered, as the agreement -deeds are to be carried out between the parties, along with sheduled conditions if any.
(Expert) 21 October 2009
I agree with niranjan. You have to verify that whether it is granted land or self acquired land of the person who wants to donate.
If it is granted land then there will be a time period to alienate the property. Till the expiry period he cannot transfer the property to any body, it requires permission from the Asst., commissioner to alienate the property.
Before going to purchase you have to look after all these matters.