Property right and women rights 2017
(Querist) 30 July 2017
This query is : Resolved
We son mother father live together in house for 25 year.after son marriage. Behaviour of father towards daughter in law and mother changes and very abusive and very problematic In 2016 daughter in laws pregnant with the month of 9 and problems are very very high which is not tolerated by son and daughter in law so they decided at the stage of 9 month to change residence for the quality of life At the same time mother is also not tolerate things so mother also decided to move with son and daughter in law at new place as the period of 9 month is so much critical At the month of August son and daughter- in- law is gifted by newborn son. After 10 to 15 days of leaving residential home father called son and mother many times and say sorry and accept all mistakes ( Will be not able to explain all mistakes but biggest is that he doesn't wear any cloth when son is not in home) For this conversation of saying sorry and accepting all mistakes son have all recording where he accept all things . he also admit that he is in pressure of grandfather. After that phone call for the sake of relation mother went back to property with father After going back mother think the relation of father and mother will be better and hassle free but tensions are more and more father acquire all gold all money from Mother some times father and grandfather beaten and threaten to kill son and her. After that husband pressurized to sale residential home and move to grandfather place which is not accepted by mother as we have many complaints from many womens regarding grandfather so mother denied to move After denying father pressurise mother to move to another location so many problems and when things are not tolerated mother moved to son place. Now we all son mother daughter in law and small child live together in another place. Few days before we got to know that father and grandfather is going to sale our property where in 2014 son invested 2000000 rupees in same property also from starting 24 years mother invested so many money in that home where father is not able to invest and earn any single penny.
Property sold is with the name of father only . Power of attorney.
we want to know following points
1. Mother share in property
2. Son share in property
3. Can we take stay on that property
4. Can we put any type of case against both of them where they give some problems to my wife and mother.
5. Can we get some share that we invested in home son invested 20lac and mother invested all money what she earn.
Adv. Yogen Kakade
(Expert) 30 July 2017
Your query is not properly drafted.. it is advisable for you to consult a local lawyer.
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 30 July 2017
POA does not confer ownership.
Your father seems to be the agent.
Who is principle..................actual owner?
You invested Rs.20 Lacs for agent or principle .....owner?
Likewise your mother invested .... for agent or principle .....owner?
Kumar Doab
(Expert) 30 July 2017
Do you have any evidence of money advanced/invested?
If the property is being disposed then ASAP approach a senior local very able counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in such/civil matters and show all docs/evidence/inputs that you have for a considered opinion.............
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 31 July 2017
In the long narration you have not mentioned clear facts. If your father is POA holder who is principal?
Let us consider your father has title of the property.
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 31 July 2017
You asked:
1. Mother share in property
If the property is in the name of father, your mother has no share in the property during life of your father. He can sell / gift / mortgage / bequeath a will for his property.
You asked:
2. Son share in property Property .
No right if they have no title.
You asked:
3. Can we take stay on that property
No, Stay on what grounds?
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 31 July 2017
You asked:
4. Can we put any type of case against both of them where they give some problems to my wife and mother.
Mother can ask maintenance. DIL can file case of domestic violence.
You asked:
5. Can we get some share that we invested in home son invested 20lac and mother invested all money what she earn
You can ask your money back if you have proof of investment and debt is not time barred.
(Querist) 31 July 2017
Thanks all for helping .vyou all are doing best job.
As per Google 2015 law . Wife have 50% share in husband property what that's for.?
Yes we have proof some bills and many rough bills and many near dear friends .
Also have income proof of mother from last 25 years which father and grandfather take from mother zabardasti. All gold and cash .
(Querist) 31 July 2017
Thanks all for helping .vyou all are doing best job.
As per Google 2015 law . Wife have 50% share in husband property what that's for.?
Yes we have proof some bills and many rough bills and many near dear friends .
Also have income proof of mother from last 25 years which father and grandfather take from mother zabardasti. All gold and cash .
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 01 August 2017
@ AD,
1. You are an anonymous author, hence deserve no reply.
2. Too long a story for going through, forming an opinion and advise FREE OF COST, consult a local lawyer.
Ms.Usha Kapoor
(Expert) 01 July 2018
Agree with Kumar Doab and RK Goyal.