koya ratnakar
(Querist) 07 December 2008
This query is : Resolved
my name is k.ratnakar my grandfather i.e my mothers father has a land of A.C 1.02 cents he has expired in 1980 and he did not purchase the land but he got it from his ancestors he has two sons and my mother and at present his wife my grand mother is alive so there was some problem in the land under ulc so we gave the land to development to a builder in september 2008 so i wnat to know my mother share in the land according to hindu sucession act 2005
koya ratnakar
(Querist) 07 December 2008
to all experts
Adv.Shine Thomas
(Expert) 08 December 2008
Your mother is entitled to get equal share.
(Expert) 08 December 2008
I agree with Shine.. Your Mother can have a share as a legal heir gets
(Expert) 08 December 2008
Your mother is entitled to get equal share
koya ratnakar
(Querist) 08 December 2008
To Shine Thomas & Aravinthan Ganesh as you have said that my mother will get equal share with their brothers i want to know more clearly like under which section of hindu succesion Act 2005 are there any verdicts cases given in supreme court or high courts i want to know
Adv.Shine Thomas
(Expert) 08 December 2008
Please refer sec.10 of the Hindu Succession Act.
kumar sachin
(Expert) 09 December 2008
yes equal share as her brothers
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