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protection to accused public servents at state expenses

(Querist) 27 February 2008 This query is : Resolved 
sir, I have been the victim of criminal consipiracy played by the senior officils of the BANK wherein I was working as a junior offical to them. Due to my persistence fight against them I could bring out a prima facie criminal case against them. the case was registered at Trail Court at Bangalore punishble under IPC 409, 202 B and 342. However, when the case was registered and when the Magistrate issued process, the BANK management approached the High Court of Karnataka on behalf of the accused officils for quashing the Proceedings u/s 482 of Criminal Code. the bank hired leading advocte and could quash the procedings . the law stipulates that when the criminal case is registered against the public servnets they shoud be suspended pending enquiry. but due to the actions of the bank the accused officials could escape the punishemnt and I am deprived of justice due to bank own attitude and support to the accused officials. what is the soluton for me ? whether the actions of the bank is justified? why they should support accused officials at public expenses? how they could maintain discipine in the orgainsation? should they not treat all employees equally ? please suggest some advice and case law so that i can approach the Suprme Court. Regards
Prakash Yedhula (Expert) 28 February 2008
Since the nature of complaint is not made aware of, the circumstances under which the bank filed a quash petition on behalf of the officials could not be foreseen. However, now that the complaint has been quashed at the instance of the bank, the only option is to file a SLP.
Sachin Bhatia (Expert) 13 October 2009
File a SLP
Adv. Yogen Kakade (Expert) 20 February 2017
I agree with the experts

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