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Provisional noc for loan transfer

(Querist) 29 December 2015 This query is : Resolved 
I have a Flat in a Co-op housing society in Arihant, Badlapur,for which I had taken a Home Loan from SBI in the year 2010 and for the same reasons, i got a Provisional NOC from the builder.
However, now, I need to transfer the Loan to HDFC and for the same, HDFC Bank is asking for a Provisional NOC from either the builder or the society. Right now, there is a dispute going on between the Builder and the Society.
The builder wants to give a handover of the society, however, the society is not willing to take a handover as there are some open action items, which need to be completed before handover.
I spoke to the Builder, they are asking me to speak to the Society Running committee. I spoke to the running committee and they are unsure of the process for the Issuance of the Provisional NOC and are demanding 25,000/-. I am stuck right now as the offer from HDFC will be cancelled if not actioned urgently by me.
adv.bharat @ PUNE (Expert) 29 December 2016
As society is formed u need to take NOC from society.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 29 December 2016
As the query is old enough, please revert with present position if you want to revert.

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