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Punjab national bank atm fraud

(Querist) 13 November 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir,

I have having an Saving account Number with BANK OF BARODA and I have tried to withdraw Rs.10000 on 18-Oct- 2013 from Punjab National Bank ATM at 19:53 Hrs.

ATM machine has given me a single note of 1000 Rs. And rest amount of 9000 Rs. was not received out from the machine. I tried to check and waited for the money but ATM machine got hanged and it was showing as TEMPORARY OUT OF SERVICE. This incident is recorded in the CCTV camera installed at ATM machine Counter.

I have informed to Bank of Baroda (Complaint Number – 2013101912263659) and Punjab National Bank on 19-Oct- 2013 but no action was taken till date and I have NOT received back my Amount of Rs. 9000 in my Bank of Baroda Account Number. The amount of Rs. 9000 is NOT reversed in my Bank of Baroda account number

There are similar cases reported in this Particular PNB ATM where ATM machine doesn't dispense cash and cash gets stuck in the machine. This cash doesn't seems to go back to cash bin/bucket as well so that system can refund the amount back to customers account.

Somehow the machine is setup in a way so that Money gets stuck in the machine and this FRAUD can be done with customers coming to this ATM.

Looks PNB OR Third Party Collects this amount during refill which gets stuck in the machine and doesn't report as Excess amount and cash is not refunded to the customer.

Request you to take appropriate action in this regards and solve this issue so that my amount Rs. 9000 can be reversed in my Bank of Baroda account number.

Pls go through the below emails.

Request you interference in this matter. Thanks
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 13 November 2013
(1) write to CVO of PNB with copy to CVC.

(2) Complain to RBI

(3) Go to Consumer court

choice is yours.
deepak (Querist) 13 November 2013
Request you to pls explain the First option :write to CVO of PNB with copy to CVC.Who is the CVO Of PNB
R.K Nanda (Expert) 13 November 2013
file complaint in banking ombudsman.
deepak (Querist) 13 November 2013
Any other option where i can get this resolved at earliest...These Banking officials are sitting and not taking any action on this issue, PNB has said that transaction is successful from their side and hence they cannot do anything.I have to take it and complaint to an independent agency who cn interfere and solve this issues.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 13 November 2013
You can also approach to Lok Adalat for Public Utility Services of your area. The process there is very simple and less time consuming.
malipeddi jaggarao (Expert) 14 November 2013
The correct procedure is not to lodge complaint with PNB.
You have to lodge the complaint with BOB branch where your SB Account exists along with the copy of transaction slip. If transaction slip is not available, you can narrate the incident with date and time of occurrence. There will be inter-bank settlements of ATM transactions periodically and such type of excess/short will be refunded/recovered during the settlements. It is possible that the shortage will be made good to BOB automatically at the time of settlement. If you lodge complaint with BOB they will take up with PNB and on verification at the time of settlement PNB will adjust the amount. First you lodge a complaint with BOB - there will be a specific form in the Branch - fillup and submit along with the transaction slip and wait for some time. It is not even one month old. Exercise patience. BOB will give you reply only after next settlement with PNB.
If you do not get refund or if there is no response from BOB you can take further steps. For the present, exercise patience.
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 14 November 2013
Well advised, nothing ore to add.

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