Quashing of 498A can be helpfull in divorce case
(Querist) 22 March 2017
This query is : Resolved
Dear experts,
Quashing 498A in high court can be used for my annulment case filed. Could my marriage get nullify under cruelty as she filed 498A and DVc though she spent only two days with me.
Adv. Yogen Kakade
(Expert) 23 March 2017
It is not that easy to get it quashed only on the ground of your wife spending merely two days with you.
(Querist) 23 March 2017
Yogen sir, she caught with an affair with telephone conversation with boyfriend and decided to commit suicide. And i send her home the third of my marriage and i applied for annulement in return she filed Dvc and 498A against me and my parents. I have the evidence of call records and in two days how can be its cruelty sir and she filed 498A. Does it valid sir? Shall 498A filed by her would quashed by the high court? Please clarify sir.
s. ganesan
(Expert) 24 March 2017
you can very well approach the HIGHCourt with all documents to show that the complaint is intended to harass you with malafide intention. It is itself one and main ground for getting divorce.