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Query on fcra foreign contribution (regulation)act 2010

(Querist) 17 April 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Respected senior / expert members of the forum
My client is a church base NGO ( Nan governmental organization) they have 3 FCRA account , Deputy Secretary Govt. of India Ministry of Home affairs hereby prohibits, is one FCRA account by order, thought the Section 9 of Contribution (Regulation)act 2010, Could they use other two FCRA account for receiving the grant amount from donor agency, if yes under which section or rule/act or any notification by government . please guide me how can the receive grant . Alternatively, you may give your feedback to me on or my cell 09422816019

Thank you very much
With Regards
M V Gupta (Expert) 18 April 2012
Under section 9 (a) of the FCR Act, 2010 the CG may prohibit a person from receiving FC if it is satisfied that acceptance of such FC by such person is not in public interest or harmony between religious, social, linguistic or regional groups etc. Therefore the prohibitory order said to have been issued by the Govt is only against receipt of FC. It may not affect the utilization of the funds already in the other accounts which are opened by your client for utilization of the Fc already received. However pl check if there is any direction on the operation of the other accounts also and whether ur client has informed the C. Govt about the opening of the other accounts as required under Rule 9(2)(e) of the FCR Rules, 201o within 15 days of opening of the accounts.
ARUN KUMAR VERMA (Expert) 19 April 2012
As per foerign contribution regulation rules, the fcra registered organisation is to maintain a separate designated bank account for receiving foreign contributions.

you need to first clarify to the forum as to in what circumstances the NGO has opened three FCRA accounts instead of one.

one can answer your query after the above said informatiion.
Santosh khoware (Querist) 19 April 2012
They are working in all most districts in Madhya Pradesh
Santosh khoware (Querist) 19 April 2012

Thank you very much

Respected sir

They are working in all most districts in Madhay Pardrdash and they have inform the central Government and government have issue different separate – separate FCRA no.

Thanking you


Santosh Khoware

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