Query regarding Pension
Meera Devi
(Querist) 30 May 2017
This query is : Resolved
As a friend of mine living in Nabha, Punjab. i have a query regarding her father pension.
Her father was in Punjab Jail Police and was retired long back his pension was also started but the pension stopped after he expired and her mother was expired before her father they were three sisters and one brother. Both her sisters & brother are married and well settled.
But mine friend was unmarried. So i had an query that can she get here father pension And one more thing is that she is forty plus.
I request you to kindly settle mine query as soon as possible.
I also request you that if she can receive her father pension please help me by giving me a brief detail/ Procedure/ any web page which can help her.
I have also heard that there are different rules in evey state. So please refer Punjab state.
Awaiting for your valuable reply.
Thanking You,
Kishor Mehta
(Expert) 31 May 2017
The pension is continued in a fixed proportion to the widow and subsequently to minor children only.
Good luck,
Kishor Mehta
(Expert) 31 May 2017
Pention is restricted to spouse. However children are minor, they are eligible.
Meera Devi
(Querist) 12 June 2017
I just want to know 2 question
1) Every state has different pension rule for their state government employees.
2) Is their any rule to get pension of her father for a unmarried daughter.
Meera Devi
(Querist) 14 June 2017
Experts I just want to know 2 question 1) Every state has different pension rule for their state government employees. 2) Is their any rule to get pension of a father for a unmarried daughter.

(Expert) 14 June 2017
Normally state' rules are based on Central Government Rules. Central Government issued orders vide its letter No. 1/19/03-P&PW (E) dated 6th September 2007 that unmarried daughters beyond the age group of 25 would also be eligible for family pension. It is not known, whether the State of Punjab has adopted that Central Government decision in its Pension Rules or not.
So, taking appropriate clue, for that specific purpose of family pension in the State of Punjab, you may have to check with the provisions of Punjan Civil Services regulations, commonly known as Punjab CSR