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Query regarding tds section 194-o

(Querist) 29 August 2020 This query is : Resolved 
Hi Everyone.
my query is for TDS section 194-O.
i am selling my products by using e-commerce platforms and i expects my total turnover will be 15 lakh in 20-21..
we are partnership firm. we are selling our products various E-commerce platforms. amazon, snapdeal, Ajio etc.

1. whether 194-O applicable on us?
2. whether exemption of Rs. 500000 is for separate platform. (e.g for amazon 5lakh, and snapdeal 5 lakh and so on.)
3. is partnership firm can be treat as Individual according to IT Act ?
3. can i claim TCS under GST in Income tax.?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 29 August 2020
Raise your query with CA club of India or discuss with your tax consultant.
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 30 August 2020
Commercial query.
You can afford and should seek professional services of a local CA or lawyer practicing tax matters.
Shilesh Patel (Expert) 30 August 2020
Post this question on CA club India, you can find an answer over there.

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