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Rape case and 3/4 pocso act

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 09 June 2018 This query is : Resolved 
A girl aged 17 years and married, as told by her , no medicle evidence of rape, medicle on same date of incident, nothing found in accused cloths, proof of age is a domicile and school t.c according to which she was 17 years and 7 months on date of incident, no medicle examinations regarding her age, f.i.r lodged by police constable, major contradictions in date and place of incident, no independent witness produced, parents of victim not examined in court, girl said she was caught with accused in hotel at 25th january night at 11 p.m ..policeman who caught them stated they caught the accused on 26th january night 11 p .m outside the hotel, medicle is dated 26-01-2015 conducted at 5 p.m
No witness from hotel examined, no i.d found of any victim or accussed found, no cctv footage , original register of hotel not took in custody by I.O .
Only 6 witness
Pw1 chachi of victim turned hostile, pw2 victim wth doubtful testimony, pw3 policeman who lodged f.i.r , pw4 doctor who stated rape not found, no injuries etc, pw5 i.o , pw6 school teacher who presented t.c copy in court .
What are the chances for aquital of accused.
Any supreme court ruling will be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 09 June 2018
Sorry as per victim,she and accused were caught by policeman in hotel room at 11 p.m on 25th night.
As per pw3 policeman who lodged f.i.r and caught them , he caught them outside the hotel on road on 26th night 11 p.m
And medicle is dated 26th 5 p.m
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 09 June 2018
As discussed above in the absence of clear and strong oral and documentary evidence the accused maybe exonerated beyond reasonable doubt.
K Rajasekharan (Expert) 09 June 2018
Based on the facts narrated above there is absolutely no chance for convicting the accused since the case has not been proved beyond reasonable doubt as necessitated by the Indian evidence act by the prosecution.
Adv. Yogen Kakade (Expert) 09 June 2018
You yourself have mentioned the strong grounds of your defense. What more does a defense lawyer wants? Ask your lawyer about his predictions. I would like to know.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 09 June 2018
Pls post with your ID and not as AQ and you can get many replies.
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Kumar Doab (Expert) 09 June 2018
You may share as suggested by Mr. Yogen Kakade when you post with your ID
Dr J C Vashista (Expert) 11 June 2018
How you are concerned with this hypothetical question paper?
Who are you seeking obligation of experts on this platform as anonymous author, which is discouraged as per rules?
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 21 June 2018
I agree with experts.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 24 June 2018
I agree with experts. and also stick to my view.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 29 June 2018
I agree with Experts and also stick to my view.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 04 July 2018
I agree with Experts and Particularly Raja Sekharan's.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 05 July 2018
I agree with experts and particularly Rajasekharan's.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 05 July 2018
I agree with experts and particularly Rajasekharan's.

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