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reagrding purchase receipt of flat.

(Querist) 13 August 2009 This query is : Resolved 
if any person purchased resale flat from civil contractors . the civil contractors purchased flat from builders . agreement value of this flat between builders and civil contracters is rs. 200000/- mention agreement . civil contractors only pay Rs.25000/- to buliders . balance amount will be adjusted by builders against his civil work done in this building. civil contracters have no receipt of rs. 175000/- but builders given letter to civil contractres for adjustement of balance amount against his civil work in building.society also transfer share certificate on civil contracters name . can any person purchased flat from this civil contracters? if yes than what document is require .what is your suggestion on above matter

Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 13 August 2009
1- A Purchase Document from Civil Contrator & Builder !

2- A Reciept that entire Sale Consideraqtion is paid by Civil Contrator on behalf of the purchaser and Receipt that the Purchaser paid the entire sale consideration to Civil Contrator and Builder

3- Share Transfer Certificate from Civil Contractor to purchaser

4- Recording the Purchaser as Society Member with Proportionate Value - Share Certificate . As in the case of other share Holders

5- No Claim Certificate from Civil Contractor in favour of Builder and Society .

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