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redevelopment of CHS.

(Querist) 25 April 2009 This query is : Resolved 
in mumbai, under redevelopment of ch.hsg.soc, is it possible to get 2 flats with separate entrance instead of 1 bigger flat from the developer, is there is any problem for the society to issue 1 additional share certificates for the extra flat. in my case i have the carpet area of my existing flat i.e 700sq.ft.carprt having the 1 share certificate standing in the names of me and my younger brother but now after redevepoment the area of my flat will be 940 sq.ft. i.e 240 additional area will be given by the developer/builder but now i want to get 2 flats of 1 bhk having the area 470 sq.ft. carpet of each flat with separate entrance. therefore is it possible to get 2 flats as per the law and will society issue the extra share certificate for the extra flat wihich i will get after redevelopment.

sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 27 April 2009
Please completely gothrough the society by laws if the society has the authority to issue the additional share certificate then you can purchase two flats.

Housing society has formed only for housing scheme and the benefit of its members, and they shall be approve this otherwise not.

sanjeev desai
Y V Vishweshwar Rao (Expert) 28 April 2009
Apply before your CHS and request for allotment of Two Flats as mentioned by you and also request to issue two Certificates for two Flats , if Your CHS Bey Laws permits the same , the CHS can consider the your request , other wise you can also take the Help of Local Co- Operative Sub Registrar -attached to CHS and every thing will be with in the Frame work of your CHS Rule and Regulations with the approval of the Local Registrar of CHS !
with regards !

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