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Reg: Cross Examination

(Querist) 04 October 2008 This query is : Resolved 
In a grauity case, I was cross examined by the lawyer of my ex-employee. Now my

lawyer is cross examining the accountant

of the employer.

Why cross examination is necesary? How
it helps? Importance of the same in the
decision etc.

I shall be grateful if any penal lawyer
guide me on the same

ARVIND JAIN (Expert) 04 October 2008
cross is neceesary to confront with the truth by the other party.
kavita jain (Expert) 04 October 2008
The purpose of cross-examination is to expose the truth about the testimony of of the witness.The lawyer seeks to discover the flaws , if any, in the testimony of the witness by way of cross--examining him.
K.C.Suresh (Expert) 05 October 2008
To bring the true facts, circumstances and evidences in fovour of the client and to discredit the evidence of the other party cross examination is necessary.
Aniruddha.P.Pawse (Expert) 05 October 2008
Cross Examination is intended for the purpose of extracting the truth and helping the court to reach correct judgement. The same also brings out favourable evidence for the party cross examining.
SANJAY DIXIT (Expert) 05 October 2008
The right to cross-examine an opposing party's witnesses stems from the principles of natural justice and is universally recognized, though it is not an absolute.Cross-examination affords the adversary an opportunity to weaken the effect of testimony or to undermine the credibility of a witness. Any party adverse in interest may exercise this right.

Cross-examination may pertain to any fact in issue, even if no questions were asked about it in the examination in chief. However, it is the duty of the court to disallow questions that are irrelevant, useless, aggressive, vexatious or abusive, designed to badger a witness, or likely to bring the administration of justice into disrepute.

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