Reg Process of Case Filing
Dadi Uma Mahesh
(Querist) 23 January 2010
This query is : Resolved
Can Divorce Court Summons be Served to the Respondent (Opposite Party) Without Getting the Case Numbered and Without Filing Respondent Copy to the Court Head Clerk?
(Cont...) Getting the Case Numbered Later with Respondent Copy submitted at Court.
If so What is the Process? Please Explain the Process, Time limits and Limitations if any etc?
Dadi Uma
(Expert) 24 January 2010
Only after registering numbering of the any case, summons will be served.
To register a case, one has to file/enclose necessary copies, to be served on the respondent.
Dadi Uma Mahesh
(Querist) 24 January 2010
Under Normal Condition How many kinds of Case Numberings are their,(If they are! please describe what are they and how many days it will take to get Case Number registered and Case going to Bench)
Secondly, How much time is given to the Respondent to respond their Version before Case Numbering is Done.
kranthi kiran
(Expert) 24 January 2010
After filing of the Petition, the concerned Clerk or Superindent or Administrative Officer of the Court will verify the same and if the same is in order(i.e., if no defects are found), then he will putup the Case File before the Judge. If the Judge, satisifies with the report, then, he will make an endorsement as " Registered, Issue notices to Respondent call on - - (date).
This is the procedure for registering a case or application. No other procedure is adopted.