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Regarding Agreement with employer

(Querist) 06 July 2008 This query is : Resolved 
One of my friend joined in a college with an agreement submitted her certificates, and written agreement as pay 3months salary when leave in middle of the academic year.
The employer not given any appointment letter. The work environment is harassing and mental torture. Actually the Librarian have one attender or Record assistant to persue his duties but they are not given any employee for those perposes also.
how she can leave the institution.
Lakshmi Sankar (Querist) 06 July 2008
Guest (Expert) 07 July 2008
Seh must bring this harassment to the knowledge of the Hgihest authority in the college and better put everything in writing. Once you send in writingkeeping a copy for yourself, and action is taken, you can resign quoting the written reason and the college will not be legally able to hold your payment of salary.

Once again it all depends how good the college is.
Manish Singh (Expert) 07 July 2008
No you can not leave the job making breach of the contract enterd by you citing the above reasons.
But yes, make a complaint to the administrator in writing having a copy with you also with receipt on it.
It all depends how you define the working environment harrasing.
if the workload is more than enough for a single person, you can not judge it solely on your.
You will have to prove it in the court of law. Also, it depends on the contract you entered into with them and terms and conditions therein.
there must be some other termination clause, so take action under that.
Give them writtenunder that clause.

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