(Querist) 17 July 2016
This query is : Resolved
Sir, In a Central Govt. office method of recruitment ( As per Recruitment Rules) for the post of Statistical Investigator Gr. I for 142 posts is 50% by Promotion and 50% by Direct Recruitment up to December, 2014.
From 1st January 2015 the Recruitment rules were changed and the new Recruitment Rules is 100% by promotion. After this the Department has made restructuring to the cadre and posts were increased to 425 I. e. (+383).
The department has given promotion to the employees by considering RR 100%. But now department has sent 17 posts to UPSC for Direct Recruitment. Department is saying that these posts are backlog year vacancies and governed by old RR which is 50-50. I am in que for promotion for this post. By this DR recruitment I miss my promotion.
Sir, kindly guide me whether the old RR will apply after notification of new RR.
(Expert) 17 July 2016
To which year the vacancies relate? If relate to the period prior to 2014, the department is right, otherwise not, if the vcacancies have arisen as a result of restructuring process after 2014.
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