Regarding divorce petition

Querist :
(Querist) 21 July 2019
This query is : Resolved
I am seeking help
My husband filed a Petition against me ,cruelty case.recently received msg regarding this and husband didn�t inform anything regarding this.
We knew each other since lasted 20yrs.Ours is Love come arrange marriage (9yrs completed of marriage).we don�t have kid.we tried but no luck.ours all reports also normal but still unable to conceive.
Since last August 2018 he was behaving differently.just bcoz I confronted him and his one female colleague/friend.both said nothing between them.they are very close friends.
Bcoz of this one female friend many doubts created,husband lied multiple times hided many things,kept me in dark.but I am ready to forget everything ,and I told him to forget whatever happened,start new beginning from jan 2019.
But he didn�t change.he stopped talking,spending time with me.i tried many things to make him understand but he not ready to listen . Hi whenever I called he not responding to my calls ,i started sending msgs but no reply..he started heated arguments,and situation becoming worst.I tried my hard to make him understand but he�s not ready,started sayings he want to stay alone ,don�t want anyone.yhen he said he needs 6months time.i asked why but no answer.then suddenly in April month he moved to his parents home and told me will come once he stable but now it�s July he didn�t return.but in theses months also he visiting home on weekends.we spend quality time as well.but suddenly on 6th July 2019 I got this petition msg which shattered me ,I�m still in shock,how can he do this with me.he was with me the day when I got this petition messages.and he didn�t informed anything about it.
I don�t want divorce.I want to stay with him only .
I know he�s not in correct mindset.he is just running from situation.He needs counselling.
I approach his parents but mummyji not ready to listen me ,she wanted her son happiness.papaji also advocate .no support from him as well.
I don�t know anything about court and how to proceed.
I don�t want to give divorce at any cost.I gave my 20yrs to our relationship I cannot break it and just move on.I loved him and still want to stay with him.Through out my entire 20yrs my support system only my husband and now he is behaving like this
Plz suggest.
How this divorce petition cancelled or withdrawn
Plz help...plzzzz

Querist :
(Querist) 21 July 2019
Plzzzz help
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 21 July 2019
query too long to reply.
SHIRISH PAWAR, 7738990900
(Expert) 21 July 2019
Discuss the dispute with your husband by involving parents and try to amicably settle the issue. Meanwhile as the case is filed you have to fight out the case by appointing advocate.
Post your query short.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate
(Expert) 22 July 2019
the divorce can be withdrwan by him voluntarily if he so desires
you can contest in court and get it rejected.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 24 July 2019
Too long a story, be brief and precise for obligation of experts.
It is advisable to consult and engage a local prudent lawyer for proper appreciation of facts, guidance and proceeding.
However, if you are located in Delhi/NCR and feel so, may contact me (on appointment) at:
Chamber No 647, Lawyer's Chamber Block, Dwarka Courts Complex, Sector 10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075 Cell # +91 98911 52939 email: