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regarding document grabbing and land grabbing

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 21 October 2009 This query is : Resolved 
Respected sir,

1.My father got a land in a village and have proerly registered it in his name .
2. we gave power to a frauderster named deva and also the original document.
3.we have cancelled the power of attorney now.
4.fraudster Deva hasnt used the power, but he has cruelly plotted with another person to created forged document before the year our father bought the land.
5.fraudster on repeated request not giving our documnet back .
5.please help us get back our document and also how to create a Settlemet deed in our name
6.Ec details shows land being sold by those fraudster to other company.
7. how to deal this situation
joyce (Expert) 21 October 2009
once you have cancelled the POA,is it in the knowlegde on the person to whom u have executed? if not cancellation thru paper publication is must.the publication itself is proof to ur safe gaurd and defense.If u doubt that person has done fraudulent acts aganist u then, file a criminal complaint against him under forgery,cheating, misappropration sections also file a civil case, aganist the frudulent person as well as the new purchaser to get ur father's sold-out propery. contact local adv.
KASI NAGESWARA RAO (Expert) 22 October 2009
some more details or required i.e. like when the GPA was registered and when the GPA was cancelled,one thing is sure GPA holder may be goo/bad GPA is valid between the execution date and canceled their any condition in GPA?,and you are not described detailedly abt fraudulent document.if possible mail me all the documents wich you have ,i may help more.

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