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Regarding experience letter

(Querist) 22 May 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Hello Sir,

I was hired by a company named XYZ(A small frim) and they send me to work in the premises of a big company named ABC(A very big company) and that ABC company appoint me to their client location(PQR). Now I have been leave my job and the experience letter that XYZ given to is conatin the name of XYZ and PQR but ABC is not mention anywhere.

Kindly let me Know is this correct or my experience letter should contain the name of ABC also because they send me to PQR.
ajay sethi (Expert) 22 May 2013
you were employed by XYZ . hence expereience letter correctly mentions that you have been employed by XYZ for __ period . not necessary to contain name of ABC
Manander (Querist) 22 May 2013
But Ajay sir How can ABC mention the name of PQR on the letter without directly connected to PQR.

Can PQR questioned ABC for this because they give contract to XYZ not to ABC
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 24 May 2013
As per statement .XYZ and you only had contract and you been debut to ABC Contract. So XYZ is the direct employer(Contractor) of you.
The company who have been maintained your Payment details . The ABC is the only company was allotted your work . You need to given priority to your contractor company and then the other company
Manander (Querist) 24 May 2013
Sankar sorry but I am not getting you can explain it in a more simple way.
Sankaranarayanan (Expert) 24 May 2013
yes, you have been hired by XYZ , and it is in the premises of ABC, SO you had contract with only XYZ and not directly with ABC.
According the instrection by ABC , the XYZ appoint you to ABC's some client Place.

So As simple as you are the person only direct link to XYZ,
So Your experience letter should contain XYZ and POQ too.

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