Querist :
(Querist) 19 March 2010
This query is : Resolved
I would like to know the following points:-
a) In a property located in south delhi father i.e. allottee of the property made a registered in favour of his one son by debarring his three married daughters on filmsy grounds. However, all the married daughters are interested for their share in the property. The property was allotted under the scheme of East Pakistan Displaced Scheme. Now, the allottee father and his son still live under fear that these three daughter may claim their rights by challenging the registered will. Please clarify under these circumstances what would be the appropriate course of action to debar daughters from the property ? Can a gift deed in favour of son will solve the legal purpose ?
Manish Singh
(Expert) 19 March 2010
if the will has been executed before december 2004, you need not worry at all. just enjoy the property since none of your sisters can claim any right over the property.
but do disclose further to us what are the conditions mentioned under the allotment letter.
Parthasarathi Loganathan
(Expert) 19 March 2010
Any property allotment on a basis of a Welfare Scheme bars alienation and all the terms and conditions of allotment need to be scrutinized
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 20 March 2010
I have similar opinion as of Manish
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