Regarding income tax on sale of non agricultural land

Querist :
(Querist) 08 October 2017
This query is : Resolved
Hi sir,
we sold a agricultural land after conversion in our village three years back, we purchased one more non-agricultural land for the same amount. Could you please let us know if we need to pay income tax for this, if yes how much should we pay for the same.

(Expert) 08 October 2017
Better Post it in "CA Club " of this same forum for a precise reply from CAs/Professionals
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 08 October 2017
No advice from me to an author who is anonymous.
You can post the query in fresh thread with your identity and material facts.

(Expert) 08 October 2017
Baby RK Goyal her self being an Anonymous should not insult the innocent Querist posting as Anonymous Please
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 09 October 2017
It would be better if the expert would have posted / contributed for the thread rather to go on posting just to satisfy his ego / irritation / frustration.
Forum would not gain anything from comments by experts on other experts / contributors.

(Expert) 09 October 2017
Hello Baby how are you

(Expert) 09 October 2017
How was your school today

(Expert) 09 October 2017
Was there any beatings from Class Miss today also
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 09 October 2017
Some experts are in the habit of giving lectures having vested interests rather to advice in positive way / contribute for the query.
Their single moto is to close this forum.
Probably they may not succeed.

(Expert) 09 October 2017
You Could also consult the Eye Specialist in the same hospital where you are taking treatment as advised by me

(Expert) 09 October 2017
Baby first complete your home work

(Expert) 09 October 2017
Other wise tomorrow also the Class Miss would beat you for not doing home work

(Expert) 09 October 2017
First have some snacks and complete your home work

(Expert) 09 October 2017
You should play while you play

(Expert) 09 October 2017
Good baby should avoid beatings

(Expert) 09 October 2017
In our Country females are treated equivalent to Gods/Goddess

(Expert) 09 October 2017
Consult some tax consultant in person.
Here you will get no solution, except seeing multiples of vague type of posts, as you would have already noticed.

(Expert) 09 October 2017
Addressing as Madam even out of ignorance is appreciated

(Expert) 09 October 2017
Dera Querist,Kindly Excuse .I prefer to advise the innocent,ignorant orphan baby please

(Expert) 09 October 2017
The Child is so ignorant it is not even able to disclose its identity /profile please

(Expert) 09 October 2017
The innocent/ignorant child is obviously Anonymous please