Regarding loss of seniority if leave without pay is taken in probation

Querist :
(Querist) 22 October 2011
This query is : Resolved
I would like to have clarification for the following scenario as it pertains to inter se seniority in my organization BSNL.I am a directly recruited grroup B officer in of my collegue in the same group B officer cadre had taken extra ordinary leave (leave without pay) for about three and half months with valid madical cerificate and sanction, when he was under probation.but his period of probation was neither extended nor was his date of confirmation.confirmation against the post follows probation and both of us were recruited directly through same all india competitive exam in the same recruitment year.should he loose his seniority for the period for which EOL was taken ?can i demand his probation and date of confirmation extended?can i demand downgrading of his seniority ?

(Expert) 22 October 2011
Depends on whether the confirmation against the post follows probation or the probation period is a part of the confirmed appointment. Also, whether the Officer was directly recruited on the Group B post or was promoted from Grould C post.
Please clear these points to get a proper guidance.

Querist :
(Querist) 22 October 2011
I would like to have clarification for the following scenario as it pertains to inter se seniority in my organization BSNL.I am a directly recruited group B officer in of my batchmate and colleague in the same group B officer cadre had taken extra ordinary leave (leave without pay) for about three and half months with valid madical certificate and sanction, when he was under probation.But his period of probation was neither extended nor was his date of confirmation.confirmation against the post follows probation and both of us were fresh recruited directly through same all india competitive exam in the same recruitment year.should he loose his seniority for the period for which EOL was taken ?can i demand his probation and date of confirmation extended?can i demand downgrading of his seniority ?
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 24 October 2011
Despite clarification sought ,you have just repeated the query ,so no solution possible.

Querist :
(Querist) 24 October 2011
The query had been modified with reference to clarification of points raised if carefully read.Viz.confirmation follows probation and the group b officer was promoted or a direct recruit.The answers with reference to clarification sought from Mr Dhigra are again repeated:
1)confirmation follows probation.
2)group B officer was a fresh direct recruit and was recruited along with me in same recruitment year and same all india compititive exam.
(Expert) 28 October 2011
Direct Recruitees seniority shall be fixed based on the fitment in the Community Roster. In case the employee goes on EOL, the prescribed probationary period will only be extended to that extent, but there will not be any change in the seniority.