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Regarding my grandfather property

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 28 May 2018 This query is : Resolved 
My grandfather had willed his property to his three sons giving them the freedom to live & give on rent on their 1/3 share of the said kothi which is in the heart of bareilly measuring 4409 sq Meters barring them to sell it to anyone .He gave the sole rights to sell the property to his grandsons in which I am the only person Alive the rest of the grandsons are already dead.The matter is in the civil court in barielly. My grandfather in his will had specifically written a clause in which he wrote that if any of my grandsons wants to sell his share he should first give preference to his other cousion brothers ..Now as all the brothers are dead and only one grandson is alive my questions is as follows
1) does the entire property becomes mine ? though the grandsons have sons too .will I be the heir to the whole of property or the grandsons sons will be the heir to their share of property.

2) I live in Ghaziabad and I am looking for a shrewd clever smart intelligent lawyer to fight my case in the court in bareilly on " percentage basis"? The total value of my share as per barielly circle rate is around 10 crores @ Rs.60000 per square meter...

Vijay Raj Mahajan (Expert) 28 May 2018
What is written preference to other cousins not their heirs, so by this clause right to dispose of portion property is exclusively with grandson who is alive. If the grandfather had intended that share of other grandsons should go to their heirs in the event of their death, this specific mention in the clause would have been mentioned. In absence of this thing being mentioned, it cannot be presumed by anyone about intention of the grandfather with regard to the property in question.
It all depends how the case is argued by your lawyer to get decision in your favor.

Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Pls post with your ID and not as AQ and you can get many replies.
Your ID does not mean your email id or phone number and don’t post these also.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Pls post with your ID and not as AQ and you can get many replies.
Your ID does not mean your email id or phone number and don’t post these also.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Pls post with your ID and not as AQ and you can get many replies.
Your ID does not mean your email id or phone number and don’t post these also.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Which personal law applies in your case?
Or are you all Hindu?
IT is believed that all sons (Other beneficiaries) are also deceased.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Whats is the opinion of counsel that has examined the WILL.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Whats is the opinion of counsel that has examined the WILL.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Whats is the opinion of counsel that has examined the WILL.
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Whats is the opinion of counsel that has examined the WILL.

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 28 May 2018
We are all hindus and an undivided family...shown the grandfather will to a lawyer and also gone to the registry office counsellor he has suggested that the entire property as suggested above belongs to me as in the will there is no such clause that the sons of all the grandsons will be the heir to that property
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 28 May 2018
My grandfather all three sons are dead and also the grandsons are dead too except one grandson who is still alive and that is me ...can someone suggest me a lawyer who can take up my case on percentage basis
Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Your counsel has already advised you.
For very able senior LOCAL counsel of unshakable repute and integrity specializing in testamentary/civil matters and having successful track record ….. and worth his/her salt … counsels; Check at LOCAL Civil Courts, jurisdictional HC, and SC……..
LCI expert Shri Prabhakar Singh is from your state and if you wish you may get in touch with him..

Kumar Doab (Expert) 28 May 2018
Same Query;

The T&C etc are to be firmed by you on your own.
It is discretion of counsel to firm up the T&C.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 29 May 2018
Agree with Vijay Raj Mahajan.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 29 May 2018
Mr Prabhakar singh is from Azamgarh as what I can see I dont think he can take up my case as my case is in barielly ..I need a lawyer who is from Ghaziabad or delhi and who can travel once a month to see the case and also appoint a junior to file applications whenever required...
Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
A crooked quack seems to be trying to dominate the LCI by making multiples of repeated posts against a very small query, but without suggesting any solution!

You may better satisfy the query of Shri Vijay Raj Mahajan with detail of the case history, if want to get some purposeful advice.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 29 May 2018
Mr Dhingra Please use professionalism while u put any comment or suggesstion for my above said query ..As you dont know me personally dont use the word " crooked quack" I wish I had enough money to fight my case in the court. The problem is that I am working here in delhi and cant get leave everytime to go there..Moreover I dont have so much money to fight the I have other important responsibilities on my shoulder..Being a serious lawyer Please refrain yourself on using such words without knowing the person .

I came here not to here so derogatory remarks by the lawyers ..but for a solution...I just need a lawyer who can handle the case on his own ..there are many such lawyers who work on percentage basis..maybe you are not aware like me ...but thats the truth ...but unfortunately I cant find I dont have good links thank u
Guest (Expert) 29 May 2018
Mr. Anonymous author of the query,

It seems you have not read my post carefully.

At first you should have at least some commonsense to understand, who made multiple posts on your query thread and on whom I made observation.

Secondly, were you supposed to give solution to your own problem, when I stated, he made multiple posts WITHOUT SUGGESTING ANY SOLUTION.

Thirdly, when you can't understand the meaning of quack and for whom used, you should not have responded vaguely on my post.

Fourthly, if I tried to professionally caution you about some fake expert, who makes multiples of vague and irrelevant posts without any advice or solution, you should have been thankful to me, rather than making such an derogatory remarks against me. With such an unwarranted remarks of yours, I wonder if you really deserve any help of the experts. You can only expect misleading advice from fake experts due to your mentality.

Fifthly, when you have stated "you don't know me personally" and appear anonymously with your query, that gives an impression as if you have given a threat to me.

It was you, who should have made sense before making such a post in response to my post. If unable to understand the language of caution against fraudulent experts, you should better have consulted some local lawyer to help you sort out your problem.

However, I do not have any objection, if you want to follow such quacks (fake experts). I can only say best of luck for you.
P. Venu (Expert) 29 May 2018
The query contains more of a story than the facts. If you are sole owner of the property, what is the court case? What are the issues involved?
Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 May 2018
Senior LCI Expert Shri Prabhakar Singh is a worthy Lawyer, man and Expert.
He could have guided and helped you.
IT is entirely your choice to approach any counsel including the one that has already been approached by you and that has provided you with opinion.
You can also search at LOCAL Civil Courts, HC,SC for very able counsels as already suggested…..and if you wish may publish here the counsel that agreed for working on commission …and also that did you find IT=@PSD in any of the courts..!
Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 May 2018
The postor/entity at 17th ,19th post in this thread also
and also above the 1st post of Shri P.Venu
is quack, crack, crooked entity that does not do anything other than posting IT’s insatiable itch, hatred, abuse, nuisance from day 1 under all of IT’s=@PSD’s multiple fake ID’s including one’s that have been permanently blacklisted, shunted out….
Whom querist ( AQ) has addressed as Lawyer ; Is neither a Lawyer (but liar) and nor the firms IT has been advertising Law firms (but Liar’s firms).

IT=@PSD advertisement and show off in this thread also is worthless, good for nothing and contribution as usual is =NIL,ZERO.
IT has the habit of calling names to everyone be IT querist, LCI,LCI Admin, members, Experts….readers anyone and everyone…including from above and multiple fake ID’s and including but not limited to Shri Prabhakar Singh, Shri P.Venu Shri Vijay Raj Mahajan, Ms. Usha Kapoor and others, (except IT=@PSD) none of the experts in this thread are quacks, cracks, crooks…………
These Experts have also been attacked BY IT=@PSD in IT’s daily tirade at LCI….
Noone other than IT=@PSD attempts to allure unsuspecting querists like IT=@PSD does…
IT is another fact that IT=@PSD fails daily, miserably.
Noone tolerates IT=@PSD anywhere.
IT=@PSD been advertising that IT is commission agent………..
Although IT has not posted all such platforms despite past instructions and orders to IT=@PSD at all of IT’s multiple fake ID’s........
IT=@PSD has been asking for 10% commission from ‘ Click to talk option’ i.e. Rs50/- ( Pachaas rupalli)
IT=@PSD shall advertise in this thread also by tomorrow at 12.00pm IT’s advertisements for commission….
Baraa Baje
Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 May 2018
Despite pre-scripted pre-planned attempts
has been failing everyday

and will keep on failing...

IT's bluff on WILL/nomination matters also has been called out in many threads..many times recently also and by Shri Kumar Doab, Shri P.Venu, Ms. Usha Kapoor....and others...
Kumar Doab (Expert) 30 May 2018
By the way querist has been advised in other mentioned threads also..
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 26 June 2018
I agreee with Kumar Doab.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 26 June 2018
I agree with Kumar Doab.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 30 June 2018
I agree with KLUmar Doab.
Ms.Usha Kapoor (Expert) 30 June 2018

I agree with Vijay Raj and Kumar Doab.

You need to be the querist or approved LAWyersclub expert to take part in this query .

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