Regarding the celing limit in Urban area in karnataka
(Querist) 07 October 2008
This query is : Resolved
Dear Members of the Legal fraternity,
Can any one share their knowledge with regard to the celing limit of land in urban area in Karnataka. I also wanted to know about the solution for getting legalise the exceeding holdings in urban area. Whether any procedure for holding more than the limit by getting exemption.
We are holding 60 acres of land in urban area.If it exceeds the limit of Urban celing in karnataka, what we should do to get it legalise. If any of the members of legal fraternity having any knowledge of the fact, kinldy through light on this subject or atleast let me know the books i have to refer to find out the position.
(Expert) 07 October 2008
Ceiling Limits on Land Holdings
(IN Ha.)
Irrigated with two crops Irrigated with one crop Dry land
Suggested in National Guide-lines of 1972 4.05 to 7.28 10.93 21.85
Actual Ceilings 6.74
Andhra Pradesh 4.05 to 7.28 06.07 to 10.93 14.16 to 21.85
Assam 6.74 06.74 6.74
Bihar 6.07 to 7.28 10.12 12.14 to 18.21
Gujarat 4.05 to 7.29 06.07 to 10.93 08.09 to 21.85
Haryana 7.25 10.90 21.80
Himachal Pradesh 4.05 06.07 12.14 to 28.33
Jammu and Kashmir 3.60 to 5.06 03.6 to 5.06 5.95 to 9.20 in Ladakh 7.7 Hec.
Karnataka 4.05 to 8.10 10.12 to 12.14 21.85
Kerala 4.86 to 6.07 04.86 to 6.07 04.86 to 6.07
Madhya Pradesh 7.28 10.93 21.85
Maharashtra 7.28 10.93 21.85
Manipur 5.00 05.00 06.00
Orrisa 4.05 06.07 12.14 to 18.21
Punjab 7.00 11.00 20.50
Rajasthan 7.28 10.93 21.85 to 70.82
Tamil Nadu 4.86 12.14 24.28
Sikkim 5.06 - 20.23
Tripura 4.00 04.00 12.00
Uttar Pradesh 7.30 10.95 18.25
West Bengal 5.00 05.00 07.00
The actual ceiling limits for lands having two crops and single crop respectively irrigated in Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh are marginally higher due to classification of land.
The actual ceiling limits in respect of dry land in Himachal Pradesh and Rajasthan are higher due to hilly terrain and being desert also respectively.
I am really happy to see your reply. One more doubt persist in my mind i.e. whether this celling limit is applicable to converted lands( Industrially converted land)
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