Regd: divorced wife
(Querist) 24 June 2017
This query is : Resolved
My son had married a second wife by NIKHA without knowledge of their parentsand lived with her for two and half years . They had a male child. But she has taken Khula (divorce) at the instant of her parents and he was forced to sign the Khula document under cohersion . THe child remains with his divorced Wife. My son after waiting a year,had sent an email to her for reconcilation and reunification. Now they approached She team on the plea that she is tortured even after DIvorce . They have referred it is a serious objection to local PS. There my son was torutred and was kept in cell and Later heavely beatenup by police and have booked FIR under section : 354 D of IPC and 66A I.T. Act. on the next day.Police had acted at the behest of the complainants side
My question is : Is it unlawful to send a communication via email his intention for reunification in the interest of child?
Am I entitled to approach human rights commission
P. Venu
(Expert) 25 June 2017
He can certainly approach the Human Rights Commission. But before approaching them, be sure of the facts.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 25 June 2017
Some more and vital information is missing from the facts enumerated by you, consequently the story appears to be concocted and fabricated.
Discuss/Consult with a local lawyer before proceeding if there is some truth in the statement made by you.
Siddharth Dev
(Expert) 26 June 2017
Agreed with expert that some vital information is missing from facts enumerated by you....... you may consult local advocate
Rajendra K Goyal
(Expert) 27 June 2017
Agree with the expert Dr. J.C. Vashishta ji.
Dr J C Vashista
(Expert) 28 June 2017
Thank you expert Mr. Rajendra K Goyal for agreeing with me.