Registration as sole proprietor
(Querist) 16 May 2012
This query is : Resolved
What are the formalities for registration of business as sole proprietor? Whether gumasta license is sufficient? Can other businessman with same business name file suit for using the same business name?
M V Gupta
(Expert) 17 May 2012
You have to register ur business under the Shops And Establishments Act of your State. For this purpose u have to approach the local municipal office and submit the application for registration with the Concerned Department. You have to submit evidence of ownership of your business premises or if u are a lessee lease deed etc along with the application as evidence of the location of the business.
M V Gupta
(Expert) 17 May 2012
As regards the name, better avoid using the same name with which another person is carrying on similar business with the same name. He can file a suit to prevent u carrying on the business in the locality with the same name.