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Registration for Doct done with oral Agrement

(Querist) 10 August 2008 This query is : Resolved 
1)Oral Agrement in 2005 Now required registration , What is the procidure.
(Under Sec 48 registration Act 48)
2) The agrement done 2005 for a property. the property owner/legal heirs/ relatives not for that property at present . How can registered such property. The agrement copy with my friend which agrememt done 1995.Pl note this is Another query not related to 1.
Thank @
Murali Krishna (Expert) 12 August 2008
1. Registration can be done to documents. Unless the oral agreement reduced into written form, the question of registration does not arise. Sec 48 of reg Act deals with the time from which the document comes in to effect, but not registration per se.

2.Any agreement is to be registered within 4 months from the date of its execution. That is the limitation period. If limitation lapses, registeration can be done by making another deed of reiteration by the parties about the transaction.

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