Regularisation of employee matter seized by supreme court
(Querist) 18 December 2013
This query is : Resolved
Sir, In one case the regaularization of one aggrieved employee has already been seized by Supreme Court of India and is connected to similar matters pending there..
Therafter the association of Institute move to the CAT for regaularisation of the services of several adhoc employee working for several years unawre of the actual fact the similar matter has been seized by the supreme Court of India.
Looking upon the above the aggrieved employee can make application to the CAT awkening of the factual poistion to the CAT ?
or should approach to the High Court to issue directions to the CAT or should APPROACH TO THE Supreme Court for issuing directions that CAT should suspend their orders till simsilar matter is finally disposed by the Supreme Court??
ajay sethi
(Expert) 18 December 2013
they should inform CAT that identical cases are pending before SC . to adjourn hearing of cases till SC decides the issue
Devajyoti Barman
(Expert) 18 December 2013
Well pending of any case similar nature to SC would not stall trial in CAT.