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Related schedule caste

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 23 February 2022 This query is : Resolved 
Dear sir if any state give clarification for any caste to be included in schedule caste and after that clarification, a person of that state make his schedule caste certificate and then high court of that state stay tha clarification notice, only stay not Quashed. After that a person who make his schedule caste certificate , use his certificate for a govt job and selected for govt job. But there is a stay on the clarification notice. If in future the clarification notice quashed by high court then what will be with the person job. Will he safe for job or not if he will safe then under which quota schedule caste or another quota
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 23 February 2022
Your query seems not to be real facts. When the High Court has given STAY, then the revenue authorities will not give such certificate and if by mistake it is issued, the appointing authority shall not accept such certificate.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 23 February 2022
Certificate is given on 15 july 2020 and stay occur on 10 august 2020, so candidate have a certificate, can he use this certificate
kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 24 February 2022
Yes. He can, as per your statement.
N.K.Assumi (Expert) 24 February 2022
Issue is not whether he can use Schedule Caste Certificate, but whether the Caste crtificate was gebuinely obtained from the concern authority. If the Caste certificate was obtained in good faith thre is no reason why he should not use it, but if the same was obtained by playing fraud, it shall be cancelled, even though he might have joined service with such certificate.
Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 25 February 2022
Good answer by N. K Assumi*****Sir if in future high court quashed the notifications because state government have no power to include any caste in schedule caste under article 341 then the person who obtained schedule caste certificate and got a govt job using that certificate, will he safe in his service if yes then under which category schedule caste or backword caste or general quota ?
P. Venu (Expert) 18 April 2022
Query is too hypothetical.

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