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Remedy available in case of gross injustice in HC

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 05 November 2009 This query is : Resolved 
It is simple expectation that any judicial order be based on correct rule and aggrived party be heard.
I am a retired army officer. I was denied a disability pension benefit by Army HQ hence I filed WP against that Govt order in HC. Ground taken was that the amended regulation applicable to me was not applied but order was passed on basis of old obsolete rule.(there were no Armed Forces Tribunals that time) In HC Govt did not produce the correct Rule despite several directions and on one occation even cost imposted on them. However later the bench changed and matter was back to square one. New bench did not insist on the previous order and relying on old outdated rule dismissed the WP. When I filed review pointing out the serious error, I was not allowed to explain the grounds and review petition dismissed by single line order that there is no ground to interfere in order.What is the remedy against such injustice other than appealing in superme court.
A V Vishal (Expert) 05 November 2009
Unfortunately that is the only remedy viz approaching the Supreme Court. However, you have not stated whether the order is passed by a single judge or a larger bench.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 05 November 2009
You have no option but to approach Hon'ble SC for preferring an appeal. had you started from civil court, you would have got the desired relief but nothing can be done now. Only way towards Supreme Court is available.

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