Rented property
(Querist) 08 April 2008
This query is : Resolved
I stay since last forty years in rented property and recently my landlord sale the said property.
And new landlord says vacant the property they are convert to above property in Shopping mall.
Todays that property value is too much. So what our rights and what we do.
and how to stop that property in convert to Mall.
(Querist) 08 April 2008
Manish Singh
(Expert) 08 April 2008
If there is any separate rent law prevailing in the state where you are residing then you will be governed by the provisions of that act.
Please provide details.
(Querist) 08 April 2008
We lived in Kolkata(W.Bengal),and we don't know any seperate rent law.
(Querist) 08 April 2008
and we Don't Know any Kolkata Municipal Corp. Rules. But We know they are giving 50% space aginst under the property.