Replace deceased mother joint ownership with father
Viki Lingeria
(Querist) 25 February 2010
This query is : Resolved
My mother passed away in 2008. My current home is in my name & my mother's name. I also have a housing loan running for this home since 2005. For the loan, I am the borrower & my mother is the co-borrower.
I would like to know how can I get my mother's name joint ownership replaced with my father's name in the home property. What formalities I need to complete with housing loan bank and my society.
I also have a married sister. Do I need to complete any formalities with her.
Waiting for a reply.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 25 February 2010
After death of your mother your father, your married sister and you all three are joint and equal share-holders in her 1/2 share in the house property. In case you and your sister want to relinquish your share in favour of your father then a Release-deed is required to be executed by you both in favour of your father.
Kumar Thadhani
(Expert) 26 February 2010
As said byMr.Makkad first of all approach your sister for executing Released-deed in your favour and then approach your banker with all the papers needed for tranferring your mother's name in lieu of your father your bank will inform you aout the documents needed for transferring the name.