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Reply of legal Notice

(Querist) 13 June 2011 This query is : Resolved 

Dear all,

My question is about replying legal notice.

Is it compulsory to reply a legal notice via lawyer / advocate only. Is it acceptable that if i reply the notice by my self. with all denies and acceptable.

A legal notice have been served to my door step ( with 403, 404 , 405 , 420 ) via lawyer .

I am well educated and mature business person. And as a fact i am confidence enough to puncture most the claimed mentioned in notice point by point. In fact i wanna present my self even in court , as the lawyers seems to be very expansive these days.

awaiting for the reply.

Guest (Expert) 13 June 2011
yes you can reply yourself. (one thing a point on the legal issue is such that one's back cannot be seen by himself ) it is safer to rely on lawyer to entrust a case
Parveen Kr. Aggarwal (Expert) 13 June 2011
There is no requirement of law that a legal notice can only be replied by an advocate. The person on whom legal notice is served may reply without assistance of an advocate. It is also not necessary that legal notice is to be replied in all the cases.
PALNITKAR V.V. (Expert) 13 June 2011
If you are confident then you can reply the notice and also represent yourself in Courts also. There is no law to prevent you from doing that.
Kiran Kumar (Expert) 13 June 2011
you may reply by yourself....but it will be wiser to seek help of some lawyer in order to avoid any technical mistake....if some litigation is initiated due to some reason then your admission in reply may become fatal to your case.
prabhakar singh (Expert) 13 June 2011
Suresh Gupta (Expert) 14 June 2011
yes , ofcourse There is no requirement of law that a legal notice can only be replied by an advocate.but take the help of a lawyer in order to avoid any kind of mistake.
Ashok Yadav (Expert) 14 June 2011
As advised my Ld. friends its right that you can reply a legal notice at your own, but i will advise you that if the matter goes to court then you should take help of an lawyer otherwise you will be in trouble in future. You are well educated but not law educated an expert can do his work well no one else. Rightly advised by Mr. Kiran Kumar Adv. A little knowledge is always a dangerous thing.
RAJU O.F., (Expert) 14 June 2011
Whatever education and maturity/experience you have it is always better to cause the reply legal notice, through an advocate who is expert on the subject in question. If you answer yourself there is the danger that you may unknowingly/indirectly admit issues which you had to deny. Also you may miss vital points, which are the basics for the issues in question. Hence always answer legal notices through an expert advocate.
M V Gupta (Expert) 14 June 2011
Do you know - A doctor never treats himself.
sanjeev murthy desai (Expert) 14 June 2011
Absolutely right opinion given by Mr. M V. Gupta.

Kanhaiya Singh (Expert) 14 June 2011
yes, you can reply yourself. There is no legal bar in it.
Madhukar Anand (Querist) 14 June 2011
Thank you all for your expert advises and valuable time.

Its been more than a week, i have been looking for this answer. And it very disappointing to say that before i posted this question on, i enquired four different lawyers and they simply said " No, a notice has be replied by a lawyer only, you can't reply the notice by your self "
Madhukar Anand (Querist) 14 June 2011
I need some more advice , as Mr. Parveen Kr. Aggarwal has mentioned that " It is also not necessary that legal notice is to be replied in all the cases. "

I would like to have a advice on that. do i really need to reply this notice or not, as thr is no reply requested or time period mentioned in the notice.

I managed to covert the notice into computer document. A copy of the notice has been attached to this reply.

I really appreciate the advise so far. and I'll be really grateful if anyone can revert me back reviewing the notice.

Thanks all,

Advocate. Arunagiri (Expert) 14 June 2011
It is not mandatory to reply the notice. But, some times the reply will solve the issues. In case the sender is misconceived, he may get clarification on that issue. The litigation may be closed/dropped.
M V Gupta (Expert) 17 June 2011
Yes. Better to reply suitably so that the misconception if any on the part of the issuer of the notice would be cleared or you put up your defence against the allegations made against you in the notice. Not replying the notice may work against you in the court. I have seen in some of the cases where I have issued reply the matter got settled amicably without going to the Court.
RAJU O.F., (Expert) 17 June 2011
If you don't reply legal notice, it would be construed that, you admit the allegations. If you cause to reply through an expert on the subject, the other side would get a clear message that you would not be fooled easily.

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