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Republic day - constitutional and human rights

(Querist) 25 January 2017 This query is : Open 
We are holding a seminar at our college on the subject and we were asked to choose a topic. My topic is Sexual Assault - Violation of Human Rights. And this is based on the Soumya case which was recently decided by SC Ernakulam and acquitted the Offender of any murder charges. I understand that our honourable judges are good at making decisions though I stand with Justice Katju's point of judgement that a death sentence was the right punishment for Govindaswamy. Now my thoughts for the seminar are such: Was enough justice done to Soumya and her mother who has lost her daughter. Had Soumya survived what would have been her life since she had already had a broken pituitary gland rendering any person so to be in a vegetative state. Is not that as equal to killing a person. Had she been by birth a disabled we can understand, but here the case is that all her rights were violated. Despite the fact that Dr. Shirly Vasu had given details on injuries found that could lead to death even if she had not fallen in between those railway tracks. This was not considered as rarest of rare case despite the fact that we all know no sane person would have raped a person who is already in a pool of blood rather take them to the hospital. Looking at the historical records of Govindaswamy he is a habitual offender and also an extremist in inflicting pain to any individual be it male or female. Why do we term perverts as sick people when we know this cannot be anywhere near to sickness. These are intentional acts. Why would our law see this as there was no intention of murder when we all understand that we would not bang a persons head as a damaged skull and brain would lead to death eventually. How can I go about this topic to ultimately give a thought provoking seminar at my college.

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