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Requirement of kyc

Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 15 March 2022 This query is : Resolved 
All senior respected experts
The Brief fact is:
The Company with which i am concerned have a guest house which they want to give on hire to organize various religious ceremony.
For booking of this house they use online booking and payment system.
The Company engaged a Payment Gateway Company to facilitate the above referred online booking and payment system.

That Payment Gateway Company give us a FORM called KYC wherein various details of the company are required to filled up.
When we ask them that "Is it mandatory, their reply is as per RBI guidelines it is."
But going through RBI guidelines on KYC their is no such compulsion of giving filled up KYC to any one (including a Payment Gateway Company).
Now my query is can anyone claim KYC from their customer(here from our company) by just referring RBI guidelines.
I think it is a vital issue because general customer is quite unaware of coverage of such guidelines.
Your views might be very helpful to us.

kavksatyanarayana (Expert) 30 March 2022
For booking the room, the name and address and mobile or phone number may be asked and also they know the payment done by the person who is booking the hall/house. The other details are unnecessary to them.

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