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revenue laws

(Querist) 08 August 2008 This query is : Resolved 
my grand father has property and he has five children and my father is one of them, my father and his 3 brother has sold the property when i was minor and now the same property till now had many registration. so do i have any right to claim on that property.
mahesh kumar yadav (Querist) 08 August 2008
Manish Singh (Expert) 08 August 2008
No you cant claim the said property but one thing you can claim, after beinf an adult and within 12 years from the said date of being an adult, is that your share of consideration in the said sale from you uncles as well as your father.
mahesh kumar yadav (Querist) 08 August 2008
is there any anothe way to get the my share or my father share of the property
Manish Singh (Expert) 08 August 2008
Your father was a party to the sale, so he must have got his share at that time.
you can claim your share only by filing a suit. if u are still a minor, then you can claim it by appointing a guardian for you.
Srinivas.B.S.S.T (Expert) 08 August 2008
Yes as my friend said you have to file a suit against your father, uncles for your share of consideration. But you cannot claim right over the property.

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