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Revision in 498a quashing case dismissed by high court

(Querist) 17 May 2013 This query is : Resolved 
Dear Sir/Madam,
I wish to know that in event of dismissal of a quashing case filed by my parents before the Hon'ble High Court in the month of July, 2012 do I HAVE GOT ANY OTHER REMEDIAL OPTION LEFT like filing a revision petition before the same Court or praying before the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India ?
Please help me with your valuable advice.
I along with my old aged parents shall be ever grateful to you all.
Thanking you,
Ritesh Ranjan
Anirudh (Expert) 17 May 2013
Did you appoint a lawyer for the 482 Quash case before HC or not?

If you had appointed, what did the lawyer advise you? When did he advise you?
RITESH RANJAN (Querist) 17 May 2013
Sri Anirudh,
Sir of course a lawyer was representing me there. But seems he could not convince the Hon'ble Court. Further, I was Jailed in an other false 498a case filed by my wife at the time of said dismissal of case. So, I could not follow my lawyer's advise.

adv. rajeev ( rajoo ) (Expert) 17 May 2013
You have to approach the supreme court of india
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 17 May 2013
Better to face the trial if Hon'b;e High court has not found the case fit for quashing. You have already released on bail and it is better to disapprove the case on merits.
ajay sethi (Expert) 17 May 2013
agree with makkad . fight case before trail court on merits

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