Right guidance humbly needed, issue shame.
(Querist) 30 December 2012
This query is : Resolved
Dear Experts,
Kindly guide on the following sensitive issue below;
1. A girl of 12 years caught by father while having sex with some unknown neighbor’s of the village. Father could not identify the person in the act. Father found an active mobile handset provided by the culprit to the victim. Several request and admonishment could not yield the identification of the culprit.
Girl adamant on the issue and kept silent.
2. Father is in fix and confounded to the state of circumstances towards the outcome of the danger and its consequences. But sincerely wish to punish the culprit however would not like to openly come into public.
3. Hence, a midway of solution is looking forward from respective Experts to provide a solace to the parents.
Thanking you all.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 30 December 2012
confiscate the handset .
get the daughter examined by gyanecologist to find whether the daughter is pregnant or not
send the daughter away from village to some relatives in another city .
if daughter does not dislcose identity of her lover and has willingly particpated in sex and father deos not want to lodge any police complaint this is the only solutiion .
prabhakar singh
(Expert) 30 December 2012
Hence, a midway of solution is looking forward from respective Experts to provide a solace to the parents.
Rivers have only two banks, solace in the case is only that boy is charged with rape by FIR as the girl is minor and even if she has consented her consent is no consent in the eye of law or to forget the incidence.
Otherwise precautionary measures can be taken to prevent a repeat. Suggestions of Mr.Sethi are valuable in this regard.
The most surprising thing I read in your query that culprit despite being of the same village could not be recognized by father when you say"A girl of 12 years caught by father while having sex with some unknown neighbor’s of the village. Father could not identify the person in the act. "
I think father can here now identify the boy if he wants.
(Querist) 30 December 2012
Dear Experts,
Thank you, both Sethi Sir and Singh Sir, for your prompt and quick response along with the perfect guidance. Handset has been already confiscated along with its sim card. Medical examination has also been done with a lady gynecologist. Victim is further under observation. An attempt is underway to identify the caller with the help of service provider of the mobile, particularly to verify all call detail reports of that particular night and time. Once the details are obtained, we would be able to identify the sim card holder and all other relevant information.
As far as the concerns of Singh Sir, with reference to the anxiety, that, why the father could not find the culprit, is quite natural, particularly when I have written in the manner of, that the father caught girl while having sex should have been that seeing the father in the vicinity culprit escaped. The said incident happened at 11.30 pm, in the dark area of the premises close to her residence.
Hence I am genuinely sorry if I have created confusion in the mind of experts.
Thanking both of the respective experts.
ajay sethi
(Expert) 30 December 2012
thanks for your appreciation
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 02 January 2013
If the matter is under investigation of the police then let the police trace out the caller and ownership of that mobile from the mobile company. Girl should be mentally prepared to cooperate her father and disclose the name of the accused otherwise due to her non cooperation, the whole matter shall result into just an insult to her father and family and the accused persons shall get scot-free,
(Querist) 03 January 2013
Dear Raj Kumar Sir,
Exactly, this is the issue bothering the parents. Girl is responding slowly to parents and admits that she has done the serious mistake, further deeply repents for the same. Hopefully she may muster the courage and disclose the identity of the culprit soon.
Thank you so much for valuable suggestions of all respective experts.
Raj Kumar Makkad
(Expert) 03 January 2013
Most welcome pramod. You are welcome at any moment if you require any advice on this or any other matter.
(Querist) 07 January 2013
Dear Sir, Once again thank you so much...