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Right to information act

(Querist) 27 October 2013 This query is : Resolved 
I have filed an application to PIO for seeking some information but no information was supplied in statutory period. Than i filed first appeal to appellate authority but again no reply was given.Than i moved for second appeal to SIC. State information commission has sent me letter for appearance before Deputy Commissioner(1st appellate authority), on that day deputy commissioner sent a letter to concerned PIO to supply the required information. But till now no information was given to me after a period of 1 month.

now what should i do now:
1. can i file appeal to CIC?
2. should i go to SIC agian or High Court?
Rajendra K Goyal (Expert) 27 October 2013
Approach State Information Commission once again.
Ms.Nirmala P.Rao (Expert) 27 October 2013
Please forward your RTI query once again to SPIO and they are bound to provide you with all the necessary information lest they would incur statutory penalties.
umapathi.s (Expert) 28 October 2013
legally speaking, you have exhausted first appeal and also second appeal under the Act. the SIC should not have ordered you to appear before the first appellate authority since SIC can't redirect/remand the second appeal to FIRST appellate Authority. now, if you again approach the SIC, it will take one more year. now that SIC has failed to exercise its jurisdiction under Act. approach high court for relief and compensation.

further you can't file appeal to CIC against the order of SIC. both are having distinct and seperate jurisidication.
Gajender sharma (Querist) 28 October 2013
Thanks to all for reply,
Now what should i prefer;
1. A simple complaint to SIC, OR
2. Again FILE SECOND appeal and in which privision.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 29 October 2013
Second appeal before SIC should be preferred.

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