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Right to privacy

(Querist) 27 July 2018 This query is : Open 
Government has put me under surveillance for reasons known only to them.
I filed RTI with home ministry to know the reason but they used mayajaal of bureaucracy to turn away from the query.
I even filed a police complaint but I had to withdraw the complain because of lack of evidence.

I am being subjected to all sorts of abuses by these self-righteous overdogs. They seem to be suggesting to me that they have some sort of right over me, my privacy and my way of life because they have won some election.

I wanted to know whether I can file petition with Supreme Court to restore my rights and will it be costly?

Siddharth Jain (Expert) 27 July 2018
Indefinitely approach Supreme court by filing writ of mandamus under article 32 of the Indian Constitution for infringement of your right to privacy as putting surveillance on someone amounts to invasion of this fundamental right and should be deemed illegal by the apex court.

For any other queries feel free to contact me at
binay (Expert) 28 July 2018
I agree with Mr Jain, you can approach the supreme court, also can approach the high court through a writ, but still question remains in lakhs of public, why they are putting you under surveillance. Still your query is incomplete to answer properly.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 30 July 2018
Question raised by Adv Kamakshi is relevant to examine as to why surveillance (if at all there) is necessary.

If you are under surveillance and you know this then the persons incharge of surveillance may have to find another job.

It is also not clear as to what was your RTI and how was it replied.

Prashant (Querist) 30 July 2018
RTI query was replied with this bureaucratic humbug -
The lawful interception/phone tapping is done by the Law Enforcement Agencies duly authorised by Central and State Government, if required under classified legal regime as per the provision contained in Section 5(2) of the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 read with the Rule 419A of the Indian Telegraph Rules, 1951. Therefore, disclosure of interception related information is exempted under Section 8(1)(a), 8(1)(g) and 8(1)(h) of the Right to information Act, 2005. Therefore, the information sought cannoy be provided.

Regarding what have I done - actually I have been doing so many things(I even went to church to confess but seems like Jesus has no power here) that I cant recall which one really made them think that they are authorized to do all this nonsense right on my face with such an impunity.
I abused them, said all sorts of things but they seem to be in some sort of hysteria that comes with prostituted power that they have paid deaf ears to my appeals. So, I am looking for other options to wake them up and gather the wisdom that I am not their consumer product that they can womanhandle me.

Hence advice is sought.
Prashant (Querist) 30 July 2018
Of all the things they pulled out law of colonial era to justify their filthiness. No doubt these members of commonwealth aka maids of Queen(with all due respect to her) have taken authority as truth rather than vice versa.
But why must I carry such garbage and their baggage with me.

My jolly way of stating affairs might make it look that I am not serious but I am damn serious.

So, kindly suggest to me the options that I need to try to get rid of these freeloaders who are eating up my time by sticking to me as if I am their husband and they are watching some horror show.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 30 July 2018
reply to RTI seems correct and it is not a colonial law.
Sudhir Kumar, Advocate (Expert) 30 July 2018
the question is still there

why you are selected for surveillance( if at all it is there).

how you knew about surveillance (if at all it is there).
Prashant (Querist) 30 July 2018
Okay, reply of RTI is correct, its not a colonial law, and Sun never sets or rises its the earthlings who set and rise.

Now, anyone else who have some suggestions for me against the government instead of vice versa.

Prashant (Querist) 02 August 2018
Also tell me the probable cost to file writ petition in Supreme Court.

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