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Rights of daughter in law and grandson

(Querist) 01 November 2012 This query is : Resolved 
Hello, i got married with my husband around 5 yrs back. we have a 3 yr old son.from past one month my husband parents and my mother in law are torturing me with one way or the other. their intentions are not clear to me. my husband sent me to my parents house to meet my ailing mother, he convinced me that he and my mother in law will take care of my son. after visiting my mother when i came back ,they did not allow me to enter the house.i tried my level best but of no use. meanwhile my husband, mother in law and my son they were left their home and stayed somewhere else for abt 10 days. i tried every relative phone no and asked them but nobody had the clue except my sister in law. meanwhile i rcvd a summon from court regarding the custdoy of child from my husband and mother in law. there was a letter attached from my husband side to police station stating that i hve left my sasural with my own wishes. after receiving the summon i got a fair idea why this all was happening to me. after taking help from few NGO's i was managed to enter my sasural. after 2- 3 days of my stay my mother in law disowned my husband and me from all her assets. Now my husband has started living in other rented accomodation without my knowlege. my mother in law has sent me another summon for permanent injuction of the property. my son was was staying with for all those days but yesterday morning my husband came and my mother in law handed over my son to him and he ran way.
kindly let me know what are my rights in this case, can i stay in this home which is in mother in law's name?
how can i take my child back from my husband in shortest possible time as the child is very small.
if me and my husband are disowned then what are the rights of my son over the property.
plz reply me as i m in dire need of advice.
ajay sethi (Expert) 01 November 2012
1)contact a local lawyer .

2) file Dv case agaist your husband

3) claim right to maintenance , chilfd custody and right to stay in shared household

4) in your mother in law house you have no share but you have right over your husband property .

belle9 (Querist) 01 November 2012
husband and mother in law are planning against me..they were not expecting that i will come back, thts why after 2-3 days she has disowned me and my husband. husband as such has no property in his name.Also he is making altertions in his present investments and insurance. (may be he is removing me as nominee).
how much time will it take to take the child back?
ajay sethi (Expert) 01 November 2012
contact a local lawyer immediatedly . go as per his advise . you will get child custody . cant say how long it will take . may be 3 months
belle9 (Querist) 01 November 2012
thanks sir.
belle9 (Querist) 01 November 2012
kindly some expert suggest me or throw some light on my property dispute husband and mother in law are going insane and filing n no of suitss against me.
Devajyoti Barman (Expert) 01 November 2012
File DV Case, you could pay for comprehensive reliefs.
Do not waste time anymore.
You are already adequately advised.
Raj Kumar Makkad (Expert) 02 November 2012
I think all aspects of the matter have duly been discussed so now it requires your action only as already suggested.
belle9 (Querist) 04 November 2012
my husband is filing some suit against me under section 7 familay law. As he has taken away the child from me without my consent. can i get him back with the help of police. court proceedings will be very long and it is impossible for me to live without the child. kindly suggest me some way out.

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