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Querist : Anonymous (Querist) 06 October 2010 This query is : Resolved 
if some body files a RTI & later wanted to withdraw then what is the procedure for tat of is their any set format for that
R.Ramachandran (Expert) 06 October 2010
There is no specified format for this purpose. According to my understanding the procedure would be as follows:
(1) One has to take either blank paper or ruled paper.
(2) Write the from address and to address. (It can be written either in fountain pen, or ball point pen, or pencil, or typewritten, or printed through the computer.)
(3) Say that on such and such date I had applied for the following information under RTI Act.
(repeat the informtion sought in the earlier letter).
(4) Now I do not want the information. (No reason for withdrawing the RTI application need be mentioned.)


After signature, an envelope has to be taken and the to address is to be written. After inserting the application made inside the envelope, the envelope is to be closed, properly stamped and then posted into the letter box. (If it is desired to be sent by courier then stamp need not be affixed, but should be given to the courier agency and courier charges is to be paid).

(5) The original RTI application will not be returned to the applicant. Probably the fee would also not be returned, since the department would have already done some work on the application before receipt of the withdrawal application.
(6) It is also quite possible, that in spite of receipt of withdrawal application, by mistake the information would be made available.

M/s. Y-not legal services (Expert) 06 October 2010
Dear anonymous.. I think your query is not properly.. Please make its clear..
mahendrakumar (Expert) 07 October 2010
sent a letter to the concerned pio/cpio stating that my earlier request dtd ...may be treated as cancelled.
Advocate. Arunagiri (Expert) 07 October 2010
You need not withdraw it. If get the information you can receive it. You are not going to loose any thing for not withdrawing the application. If there is no reply you dont go for the appeal.
aman kumar (Expert) 07 October 2010
arunagiri is right !!
Rajinder Bhatia (Expert) 07 October 2010
No such provision exits in the Right to Information Act, 2005, however I am agree with the opinion given by Arunagiri.
mahendrakumar (Expert) 09 October 2010
may be the information sought is embarassing for some one(the present qery is likely to be so) and in such situations, if a letter is sent to the concerned PIO for ignoring his previous rti application,it may save the concerned from that embaras

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