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RTI application denied

(Querist) 25 May 2008 This query is : Resolved 
can the information officer allowed to deny the information under instruction of Head of the Department..

I have denied By the information officer of PIB , Shastri Bhawan , New Delhi under influence of The Head of dept Deepak Sandhu and the assistent Tilak raj, Kuldeep , Naresh and gupta.. when I asked certain question about how and what criteria they are issuing accredation to the Non reporter and also not issuing to the Actual reporters..

Everyone is now awre of all theseculprite but Alas like other cases of currption no proof to pull them for punishment .. the RTI application query put in a siuation of self affermation about the irregularities..

pl suggest

dr a k
david vijaykumar (Expert) 25 May 2008
One should not over look the fact that the govt. is being run by individuals who have their own vested interests. This is being protected in the name of govt. to the top-most persons, called government. I take opportunity to cite example:

One honest person working in the govt. questioned the higher authority for his corrupt practices. This person with 20 years outstanding service became untouchable overnight, shunted out and filed 26 cases against him including cbi, vigilance, and what not. Even CVC's list of most corrupt persons, his name is figuring in the website. The modus operandii is even the cbi official signatures were forged and cases filed. The court officials were also fallen to this corrupt deeds. This is the government today with all our batchmates, colleagues in corruption in government wherever it may be either cvc, upsc, spe, home, dopt, etc.

With this back ground, it is common that every body in govt. is protected by all the corrupt people at the cost of public. You have no remedy and you should only thank God that with the help of our batchmates in police or friends in investigation agencies at different levels you are not implicated in false cases under different enactments.

I am not disocuraging you, but narrating experiences of most of the people and honest government persons who have already left and on the verge of leaving due to this corruption and protected persons involved in corruption. Only luckiet persons like Dr. Manmohan Singh, etc, survived and these people know the extent of corruption but they are bonded to the system and impossible for them to clean up as they themselves are surviving on the very system itself.

Now as far as your problem is concerned, please try your luck with CIC. If you log on any website of NGOs in RTI field, you will find format for appeal. Submit appeal and try your luck to see whether you get desired results. Ultimately, except when you corrupt elsewhere or influence somebody somewhere, you are certain looser under the present scheme of things. This is practicality in life. You cannot dream of media support you as they also know and they are in neck deep water. You cannot expect them to come to your rescue, again they also have to survive. What happened to Tehelka management persons? How many people can survive?

Wishing you all success.
david vijaykumar (Expert) 25 May 2008

Expert : david vijaykumar
Posted On : 5/25/2008 5:42:21 PM
One should not over look the fact that the govt. is being run by individuals who have their own vested interests. This is being protected in the name of govt. to the top-most persons, called government. I take opportunity to cite example:

One honest person working in the govt. questioned the higher authority for his corrupt practices. This person with 20 years outstanding service became untouchable overnight, shunted out and filed 26 cases against him including cbi, vigilance, and what not. Even CVC's list of most corrupt persons, his name is figuring in the website. The modus operandii is even the cbi official signatures were forged and cases filed. The court officials were also fallen to this corrupt deeds. This is the government today with all our batchmates, colleagues in corruption in government wherever it may be either cvc, upsc, spe, home, dopt, etc.

With this back ground, it is common that every body in govt. is protected by all the corrupt people at the cost of public. You have no remedy and you should only thank God that with the help of our batchmates in police or friends in investigation agencies at different levels you are not implicated in false cases under different enactments.

I am not disocuraging you, but narrating experiences of most of the people and honest government persons who have already left and on the verge of leaving due to this corruption and protected persons involved in corruption. Only luckiet persons like Dr. Manmohan Singh, etc, survived and these people know the extent of corruption but they are bonded to the system and impossible for them to clean up as they themselves are surviving on the very system itself.

Now as far as your problem is concerned, please try your luck with CIC. If you log on any website of NGOs in RTI field, you will find format for appeal. Submit appeal and try your luck to see whether you get desired results. Ultimately, except when you corrupt elsewhere or influence somebody somewhere, you are certain looser under the present scheme of things. This is practicality in life. You cannot dream of media support you as they also know and they are in neck deep water. You cannot expect them to come to your rescue, again they also have to survive. What happened to Tehelka management persons? How many people can survive?

Wishing you all success.
dr a k (Querist) 25 May 2008
write and HARD TRUTH is your sayings , thats the reason I put the case to you all if by chance some of intellectual can have arought to nab them..

tnks Mr Devid for your reply
Manish Singh (Expert) 28 May 2008
You file an appeal TO CIC. They are definitely goin to take up your matter.
But they have not got provided the biting teeth so even they are hapless.
they can only impose fine if their orders do not get obeyed.
But still wwe dont have any other choice since it is all the legislature sphere.

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