Rti case-pvt hospital
(Querist) 01 May 2013
This query is : Resolved
1.Thro an RTI application, it is noted that Govt. is a stake holder holding 0.24 % of share.... hence,... it is not 100% privately owned.... being so... can we say this hospital is to be covered under RTI ACt to disclose info to public on request?
2.Can any one please give reference /citations of SIc/CIC/High court /supreme court judgements /observations RELATED TO PRIVATE HOSPITAL UNDER RTI ACT 2005 IF ANY
R.K Nanda
(Expert) 01 May 2013
consult local lawyer.
Sailesh Kumar Shah
(Expert) 01 May 2013
1. hospital comes under purview of section 2(h).
2. search at www.rtiindia.org
(Expert) 02 May 2013
Pl. come up with the literature in RTI reply vis-a-vis your query for proper appreciation of facts.